Please note that the price of overnight wheelchair hire will be increasing to £5 per night (£35 per week) from 1st December 2023. Daytime hire of a scooter or wheelchair will continue to be free of charge but as a small charity we appreciate any donations you are able to give to help cover our running costs. If you are a UK tax payer, please fill in one of our gift aid forms to enable us to top-up your donation with an extra 25p for every £1 you give. Thank you!
Articles in News

Please take a minute to nominate us!
The 2023 Movement for Good nominations are open! We would be really grateful if you could nominate High Wycombe Shopmobility (charity number 1040164) – it only takes a few moments to complete their simple form and it would really help us to keep our valuable service up and running this year. The sooner you nominate our charity, the more chances we have to win £1000 – so please do this today!

Easter Raffle – thank you!
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Easter Raffle Draw – the lucky winners of our chocolatey prizes should have now been contacted. You helped us raise an egg-cellent £202 which will help keep our friendly charity running this year!
Thank you!

Quiz Night Thank You
Thank you for to everyone who took part in the Autumn Quiz on Wednesday 11th October – we raised a tremendous £300.
Join us in the new year on 24th January for the next quiz.

2023 Pancake Race Thank You!
Thank you to all the teams that took part in the 2023 Pancake Race on Tuesday 21st February helping us raise £200 – and well done to our joint winners – West Wycombe School and Eden Security!

Volunteers Needed!
We would love to hear from you if you can spare a few hours a week to help in the shop as a Customer Service Volunteer. You could become a valued part of our team – helping and talking to our customers. This role could help you regain confidence, help you return to the workplace, help you gain experience and new skills or help you find a new fulfilling role and new routine. If you are looking for an opportunity that is worthwhile and gives a real feel-good factor please get in touch. More details about our volunteer role can be found here
Please pop into the shop or call us on 01494 472277 to have a chat.

Portable Travel Scooters are Go-Go!
Thanks to a much appreciated grant from High Wycombe Community Board, we are excited to offer a portable travel scooter hire service. The small Go-Go scooters can be taken apart, folded down and put in the back of a car – helping you enjoy days and evenings out, events and even short UK breaks.
A deposit of £100 and daily hire fee of £10 will be required along with 2 forms of ID which show an address (for new customers) and we will talk you through the hire conditions and show you how they work and fit together.
Contact the shop on 01494 472277 for more details.

Give as you Live – donate to Shopmobility every time you shop online – at no cost to you!
We have a new donation page on the charity donation website “Give as you Live” – use the links from their page or download the app and percentage of your online spend will be donated to High Wycombe Shopmobility when you shop online from selected retailers such as M&S. You can also make a “cash” donation to us via their site and don’t forget to add gift aid if you are a UK tax payer.

Opening Hours from January 2022 – update
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm & Sunday 12.00pm – 4.00pm.
Please phone to book if you can (01494 472277) – messages can be left on our answerphone if necessary.
All customers will need to sanitise their hands before they use our equipment.
We will be implementing several safety measures for both our staff and customers, including continuing to limit the number of customers in the shop at any one time.
We will continue our rigorous and regular cleaning of all the vehicles and areas within the shop.
Please adhere to the social distancing rules when you visit us to protect yourself and others and please do not come into the shop if you have any covid symptoms.
Stay safe.

Something to be proud of
We were absolutely delighted to receive a Proud of Bucks “Highly Commended” award recognising our service to the community in this hugely difficult year.
We’re very proud to have received this and I hope all our staff, volunteers and customers are proud of the part they play in helping to make our service as successful, safe and accessible as possible. We really appreciate all your support and I think I’d happily describe you all as Public Service Heroes.
We’ll put this award alongside the Tom Hillier Award we received at the end of 2018 which recognised us as the best shopmobility scheme in the country.